ABK & AOTS Alumni Association (Thailand)  is  the organization that helps promoting capability development of Thai people,
Thai organizations and CLMV neighbors by being the center of ABK and AOTS alumni in Thailand and strong relationship with AOTS Japan.

1.Leading Thai and regional organizations to co-create international and regional programs to meet customers’ need.
2.Strengthening Thailand and Japan relationship to be   regional leader.
3.Strengthening Thailand’s ABK&AOTS Alumni members’ relationship and Asia AOTS Alumni Associations’ relationship.
4.Powering society with our knowhow and exclusive  channels.
5.ABK&AOTS office can proceed the projects independently under committee’s guidelines, resolutions and compliances.

  Association’s Activities for strengthen relationship   between Japan and Thai
Membership Activity
      1.  Provide Technical and Management Training to members.
      2.  Exchange staff for working program in their affiliated company in Japan and Thailand.
      3.  Coordinate in internship program between Japanese interns and Thai Host companies. 
      4.  Co-host of Professor Hozumi 120th Anniversary Celebration.
AOTS and ABK Activity
      1.  Recruit participants for subsidized training courses both in Japan  and webinar.
      2.  Coordinate in Study tour of Thai organizations to Japan.
      3.  Promote Language and Cultural study in Japan among our members, organizations and academic networks.     
Organizational Activity
      1.  Be partner with Japanese organization such as AOTS, JETRO.
      2.  Co-host or host conference for industrials such as Department of Industrial Promotion.     
      3.  Support in Business Matching between Japanese and Thai companies.
      4.  Support Industries by seeking opportunities via Alumni network.
Academic Activity
      1.  Support the new subject of training program from AOTS Japan to cope with Digitalization industrial for the new era.
      2.  Create and introduce new programs to meet members’ need.
FOSAAS Activity
      1.   Be a HUB to support FOSAAS members.
      2.   Study tour program for exchange culture and learning program among  Alumni Society.
      3.   New normal to set up the webinar to coordinate program with the FOSSAASmembers.
      4.   Expert Exchange Training program which is required expert in the field from the Instructors among FOSAAS members.